One day while browsing the classifieds on KSL, I received a very clear impression to call my bishop. I was the assistant financial clerk at the time, and I did have a small item of business to talk about, but it wasn't urgent. I called, he answered, and after quickly discussing the one item of business, I mentioned that we were looking for a car. He didn't know of anyone at the time that was trying to sell a car but he would keep an eye out for us.
The bishop called us back about a week later. Somebody in our ward was going to move soon and wanted to sell one of their cars. It was a 1991 Toyota Corolla, red, automatic transmission, with 150,000 miles on it. They were only asking $500. It was worth at least twice that, but they would have none of it. What a relief! I was preparing to pay a few thousand dollars for a car which was a difficult prospect because we were so poor at the time.
Shortly after we bought it, my wife revealed that she prayed for a car just like that. A sister of her's had a red Corolla when she was first married. So my wife asked God for a similar car and even said in the prayer that it would be nice if it only cost about $500.
"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." - Matthew 21:22