Saturday, August 30, 2014

Spreading Lightness in the World

Do all things without murmurings and disputings - Phillipians 2:14
There are times in my life when my motto could have been "Do all things with murmurings and disputings." Complaining is easy and sometimes even enjoyable. And yet most of us don't like to be around people who constantly complain.

In Julian Treasure's 2013 Ted talk titled How to speak so that people want to listen, he shares seven deadly sins of speaking, one of which is negativity.
Complaining is viral misery. It's not spreading sunshine and lightness in the world.
He continues to explain "four really powerful cornerstones, foundations, that we can stand on if we want our speech to be powerful and to make change in the world:" honesty, authenticity, integrity, and love.

That reminds me of Paul's explanation about why we shouldn't complain.
That ye may be... in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world - Phillipians 2:15
Think about the people whose company and conversation you enjoy the most. Chances are they spread lightness with their positive and complimentary manner. I have a goal to be more like that some day.

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